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Interface: OtelCollectorExporter


OpenTelemetry Collector options for exporting metrics or traces



otel: Object

Type declaration

headers?Record<string, string>Optional set of HTTP request headers to send to Collector (e.g. for authentication)
metricsExportInterval?DurationSpecify how frequently in metrics should be exported. Format number of milliseconds or ms-formatted string Defaults 1 second
urlstringURL of a gRPC OpenTelemetry collector. Syntax should generally look like http://server:4317 (the grpc:// is also fine). Core's OTLP metric exporter does not support the 'OTLP/HTTP' protocol (e.g. http://server:4318/v1/metrics). For greater flexibility, you may setup an OTel collector running as a sidecar (e.g. to proxy OTLP/gRPC requests to a remote OTLP/HTTP endpoint). Format Starts with "grpc://" or "http://" for an unsecured connection (typical), or "grpcs://" or "https://" for a TLS connection. Note The OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT environment variable, if set, will override this property.
useSecondsForDurations?booleanIf set to true, the exporter will use seconds for durations instead of milliseconds.